Dr. Vedant Kabra

Dr. Vedant Kabra

No. Of Surgeries
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Dr. Vedant Kabra holds an MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) degree, an MS (Master of Surgery) degree in General Surgery, and a DNB (Diplomate of National Board) in General Surgery.
Dr. Kabra specialises in the field of General Surgery.
The exact number of years of experience for Dr. Vedant Kabra is not specified in the given information
Unfortunately, the specific details about Dr. Vedant Kabra's senior residency training program are not provided in the given information.
The duration of Dr. Kabra's senior residency training program may vary depending on the specific institution or organisation where it is conducted. Generally, senior residency programs in general surgery span a period of three to five years.
The specific areas of focus or sub-specializations covered during Dr. Kabra's senior residency program will depend on the program's curriculum and the institution where it is conducted. Generally, senior residency programs cover various aspects of general surgery, including surgical procedures, patient management, emergency care, trauma surgery, and more.
The specific eligibility criteria for joining Dr. Vedant Kabra's senior residency training program may vary depending on the institution or organisation offering the program. Generally, candidates must have completed their MBBS degree and may need to meet additional requirements set by the institution.
The facilities and resources available to residents in Dr. Vedant Kabra's program will depend on the specific institution or organisation where the training program is conducted. Typically, residents have access to well-equipped operating rooms, surgical instruments, clinical resources, medical libraries, and experienced faculty members.
The application process for Dr. Vedant Kabra's senior residency training program will depend on the specific institution or organisation offering the program. Interested individuals can typically apply through a designated application portal or by following the application guidelines provided by the institution
Graduates of Dr. Vedant Kabra's senior residency training program can pursue various career paths within the field of general surgery. They may choose to work in hospitals, clinics, or private practice, specialising in areas such as minimally invasive surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, surgical oncology, trauma surgery, or pursue further specialisation through fellowship programs or academic positions.
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