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Zen Multispeciality Hospital Plot Number 425, 10th Road, Chembur Gaothan, India

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About Hospital

The Zen Multi Speciality Hospital offers state-of-the-art facilities in a welcoming environment for patients and visitors.

Vision: Heal with excellence and treat with compassion.

Mission: Be the hospital of choice and an employer of choice. Be a center of excellence in training and research. Become the preferred hospital for home care services. Harness technology for caring and curing. Emerge as a trusted enabler of health and wellness.


-Commitment to excellence: Offering expert doctors, skilled caregivers, state-of-the-art technology and comprehensive infrastructure

-Compassion: Delivering services with empathy and concern towards patients and caregivers

-Professionalism: Being professional in dealings with patients, families, doctors, employees, and the community

-Transparency: Behaving ethically in healthcare delivery

-Teamwork: Working cohesively with a collective focus

-Knowledge Sharing: Teaching, training, and imparting techniques related to best practices, advances in treatment, new technologies and innovations.

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