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Yoni Lepana (application Of Medicated Paste On Vulval Region) Obstetrics & Gynecology

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About Treatment


Yoni Lepana, also known as vaginal or vulval poultice, is an ancient Ayurvedic therapy aimed at promoting female genital health and addressing various gynaecological issues. Yoni, a term in Sanskrit, refers to the female reproductive organs, and Lepana means application of a medicated paste. This specialised treatment involves the application of a carefully prepared herbal paste on the vulval region to alleviate discomfort, inflammation, and infections. Yoni Lepana is an integral part of Ayurvedic care for women, emphasising the holistic approach to female health by considering physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the principles of Yoni Lepana, its underlying causes, the diagnostic process, the treatment procedure, the cost of Yoni Lepana therapy in India, and conclude with an appreciation of its significance in promoting women's reproductive well-being.

Causes of Female Genital Health Issues

Several factors can contribute to female genital health issues, ranging from hormonal imbalances to infections. Some common causes include:

1. Infections: Bacterial, fungal, or viral infections can affect the vaginal and vulval areas, leading to inflammation and discomfort.

2. Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormonal levels, such as during menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause, can cause changes in the vaginal environment.

3. Poor Hygiene: Improper hygiene practices can lead to bacterial overgrowth and infections in the genital area.

4. Allergies or Irritations: Allergic reactions to certain products or materials used in clothing can cause irritations and discomfort.

5. Vulvodynia: A condition characterised by chronic pain and discomfort in the vulval area without any identifiable cause.

Diagnosis of Female Genital Health Issues

The diagnosis of female genital health issues involves a thorough evaluation of the patient's medical history, symptoms, and physical examination. In the context of Yoni Lepana therapy, Ayurvedic practitioners also consider the dosha imbalances and the specific health condition affecting the female reproductive system. Diagnostic methods may include:

1. Symptoms Assessment: Identifying symptoms such as itching, burning, redness, or abnormal discharge provides valuable insights.

2. Physical Examination: A pelvic examination may be conducted to assess the health of the reproductive organs and the vulval region.

3. Laboratory Tests: Swab samples or cultures may be collected to identify the presence of infections.

4. Hormone Testing: Blood tests to measure hormone levels can help identify hormonal imbalances.

Yoni Lepana Treatment Procedure

Yoni Lepana is a specialised Ayurvedic therapy that involves the application of a medicated herbal paste on the vulval region. The procedure is performed under aseptic conditions and requires a trained Ayurvedic practitioner. The treatment may include the following steps:

1. Preparation: The herbal paste is carefully prepared using specific herbs and ingredients with therapeutic properties.

2. Positioning: The patient is positioned comfortably to facilitate the application of the herbal paste on the vulval region.

3. Application: The Ayurvedic practitioner applies the medicated paste on the vulval area, ensuring a gentle and even coating.

4. Retention: The paste is left in place for a specific duration to allow the herbs' beneficial properties to be absorbed by the skin.

5. Aftercare: Following the procedure, the patient may be advised to rest and follow specific dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

Yoni Lepana therapy is tailored to the individual's dosha imbalances, medical condition, and specific genital health issues.

Cost of Yoni Lepana Therapy in India

The cost of Yoni Lepana therapy in India can vary depending on several factors, including the location of the Ayurvedic center, the expertise of the practitioner, and any additional treatments included in the therapy package. As of 2021, the approximate cost of a single Yoni Lepana session in India ranged from ?1,000 to ?3,000 or more. The overall cost may increase if multiple sessions are required or if Yoni Lepana is part of a comprehensive treatment plan for a specific health condition.


Yoni Lepana, or the application of medicated paste on the vulval region, is a specialised Ayurvedic therapy that promotes female genital health and addresses various gynaecological issues. With a focus on the holistic approach to women's health, Yoni Lepana considers physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects, providing a safe and effective approach to female genital health concerns.

Through proper diagnosis and personalised treatment plans, Ayurvedic practitioners offer women comprehensive care that goes beyond physical symptoms. Yoni Lepana therapy's unique approach to female genital health aligns with the principles of Ayurveda, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit in achieving overall wellness.

In India, where Ayurveda has been practiced for thousands of years, Yoni Lepana therapy continues to be valued for its natural and holistic approach to female reproductive health. The accessibility and affordability of Ayurvedic treatments, including Yoni Lepana therapy, make it a popular choice for women seeking to address genital health concerns in a safe and effective manner.

As Ayurveda gains recognition globally and more women seek natural and holistic approaches to reproductive health, Yoni Lepana therapy is poised to become an integral part of comprehensive women's healthcare. Continued research and integration of Ayurvedic principles with modern medicine may further unlock the potential of Yoni Lepana therapy in providing holistic and patient-centred care for women's reproductive well-being.

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