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Urinary Sphincter Creation - Artifical Nephrology & Urology

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Urinary incontinence is a prevalent medical condition that affects millions of people worldwide, causing embarrassment, social isolation, and significantly impacting their overall quality of life. Fortunately, medical advancements have led to the development of innovative solutions like the Artificial Urinary Sphincter (AUS) that offer hope to those struggling with this condition. In this comprehensive blog, we will delve into the concept of an Artificial Urinary Sphincter, its creation process, functioning, benefits, potential risks, post-operative care, and frequently asked questions, to help you gain a thorough understanding of this revolutionary technology.

1. Understanding Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence refers to the involuntary leakage of urine, and it can occur due to a variety of reasons, including weakened pelvic floor muscles, nerve damage, prostate issues in men, childbirth-related trauma, menopause, and certain medical conditions. It can severely impact a person's physical, emotional, and social well-being, leading to reduced self-esteem, depression, and anxiety.

There are different types of urinary incontinence, including:

a) Stress Incontinence: Characterized by leakage during physical activities such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, or lifting heavy objects. It is commonly caused by weakened pelvic floor muscles.

b) Urge Incontinence: Involves a sudden, intense urge to urinate, resulting in an uncontrollable loss of urine. This type is often due to an overactive bladder.

c) Overflow Incontinence: Occurs when the bladder doesn't empty completely, leading to frequent dribbling of urine. This can be caused by bladder outlet obstruction or nerve damage.

d) Mixed Incontinence: A combination of stress and urge incontinence, making management more challenging.

2. The Need for Artificial Urinary Sphincter

For individuals suffering from severe urinary incontinence that is not effectively managed with conservative treatments like medications, pelvic floor exercises, or behavioral changes, an artificial urinary sphincter may be recommended by healthcare professionals. AUS is particularly beneficial for those who experience stress incontinence, where the muscles supporting the bladder and urethra are weak and fail to prevent leakage during physical activities.

3. What is an Artificial Urinary Sphincter (AUS)?

The Artificial Urinary Sphincter is a surgically implanted device designed to provide urinary control to individuals with urinary incontinence. It consists of three main components:

a) A Fluid-filled Cuff: This cuff, made of biocompatible materials, encircles the urethra near the bladder neck. When inflated, it exerts pressure on the urethra, preventing urine from passing through. When deflated, it allows urine to flow.

b) Pump: The pump is placed in the scrotum for men or the labia for women. It controls the inflation and deflation of the cuff. Upon activation, the pump releases fluid from the cuff into the reservoir, deflating the cuff and allowing urination.

c) Fluid Reservoir: The fluid reservoir is usually placed in the lower abdomen. It stores the fluid released from the cuff during deflation and can be adjusted for individual comfort and need.

4. The Creation Process

The surgical procedure for creating an Artificial Urinary Sphincter involves several steps:

a) Pre-operative Preparations: Before the surgery, the patient undergoes a thorough medical evaluation, and any urinary tract infections or other medical conditions are treated.

b) Anesthesia: The patient is given either general or regional anesthesia to ensure a pain-free experience during the surgery.

c) Incision: The surgeon makes a small incision in the lower abdomen to access the area for placing the fluid reservoir.

d) Reservoir Placement: The fluid reservoir is carefully positioned in the lower abdomen, and its placement is critical for optimal functioning.

e) Cuff Placement: Next, the surgeon places the fluid-filled cuff around the urethra, near the bladder neck. The cuff must be positioned correctly to exert the right amount of pressure on the urethra.

f) Pump Implantation: The pump is implanted in the scrotum for men or the labia for women. Its location allows for easy access and activation.

g) Connecting the Components: Thin tubes, called catheters, connect the cuff to the pump and the pump to the reservoir, enabling the flow of fluid between the components.

h) Testing and Adjustment: Once the device is in place, the surgeon tests its functionality and may adjust the pressure of the cuff to ensure optimal urinary control.

5. How Does the Artificial Urinary Sphincter Work?

The Artificial Urinary Sphincter functions based on hydraulic principles. When the individual needs to urinate, they simply press the pump located in the scrotum or labia. This action deflates the cuff around the urethra, allowing urine to flow from the bladder, through the urethra, and out of the body. After urination, the cuff automatically inflates, preventing any further leakage. The entire process is discreet and controlled by the individual, enabling them to regain control over their urinary function.

6. Advantages of the Artificial Urinary Sphincter

The Artificial Urinary Sphincter offers numerous benefits, including:

a) Improved Quality of Life: AUS provides better control over urinary leakage, allowing individuals to resume daily activities without fear of embarrassment or discomfort.

b) High Success Rate: AUS has a high success rate in treating urinary incontinence, providing long-term relief to patients.

c) Customizable Pressure: The pressure of the cuff can be adjusted according to the patient's needs, offering personalized treatment.

d) Longevity: With proper care, an AUS can last for several years before requiring replacement.

e) Minimal Scarring: The surgical incisions are small, leading to minimal scarring and faster recovery.

f) Compatibility: AUS is suitable for both men and women, making it a versatile option for a wide range of patients.

7. Potential Risks and Complications

While the Artificial Urinary Sphincter is generally safe, like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications, including:

a) Infection: The risk of infection is present with any surgery. To minimize this risk, patients are prescribed antibiotics before and after the procedure.

b) Mechanical Failure: Although rare, the AUS device can experience mechanical failure, leading to suboptimal urinary control. Regular follow-ups with the surgeon are essential to detect and address any issues promptly.

c) Device Migration: In some cases, the device may migrate or move from its intended position, potentially affecting its functionality.

d) Tissue Erosion: The cuff or other components of the device can erode into surrounding tissues, necessitating corrective surgery.

e) Surgical Complications: As with any surgery, there is a risk of bleeding, adverse reactions to anesthesia, and damage to surrounding structures during AUS implantation.

It's important to note that the overall complication rate associated with AUS surgery is relatively low, and the benefits often outweigh the risks, particularly for those with severe urinary incontinence.

8. Post-operative Care

After AUS implantation surgery, patients need to follow post-operative care instructions to ensure optimal healing and successful outcomes. Some essential aspects of post-operative care include:

a) Pain Management: Patients may experience mild to moderate discomfort following surgery. Prescribed pain medications help manage post-operative pain.

d) Follow-up Visits: Regular follow-up visits with the surgeon are essential to monitor progress, adjust device settings if necessary, and address any concerns.

b) Catheterization: For the initial days following surgery, patients may require a urinary catheter to assist with urination while the surgical site heals.

c) Activity Restrictions: Patients are advised to avoid heavy lifting, strenuous activities, and sexual intercourse for a specified period to allow proper healing.

e) Hygiene and Wound Care: Proper hygiene and wound care are crucial to prevent infection and promote healing.


The Artificial Urinary Sphincter is a groundbreaking medical device that has transformed the lives of countless individuals struggling with urinary incontinence. Its ability to provide better control over urinary leakage, along with its long-term effectiveness, makes it a preferred choice for those who have not found relief through other treatment options. With its continued advancements and ongoing research, the AUS is expected to bring further improvements to the lives of individuals with urinary incontinence, helping them regain confidence and lead fulfilling lives once again. If you or someone you know is experiencing severe urinary incontinence, consult with a qualified urologist to explore the suitability of an Artificial Urinary Sphincter and take a step towards a life free from the limitations of urinary incontinence.

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