
እባክዎን ዝርዝሮችዎን ይሙሉ

Nova Ivf የወሊድ ክሊኒክ, ጉሩግራም Nova IVF የመራባት | Southend የወሊድ እና IVF፣ ሴራ ቁ. 522, ሴክተር 27, ጉሩግራም - 122 009, ህንድ

ፋይል ለማያያዝ ጠቅ ያድርጉ

ስለ ሆስፒታል

የእኛ ሦስተኛ ተቋም በዴሊ ኤንሲአር አካባቢ፣ ኖቫ IVF የወሊድ | Southend Fertility & IVF፣ Gurugram፣ በጉሩግራም ውስጥ እነዚህን አገልግሎቶች ለሚፈልጉ ጥንዶች ዓለም አቀፍ ደረጃውን የጠበቀ የመራባት ሕክምና ይሰጣል።

  • Nova IVF Fertility (NIF) is one of the largest service providers in fertility treatment.
  • NIF's mission is to offer advanced Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) in India that matches global standards.
  • Despite a significant increase in the number of patients seeking infertility treatments in India, the actual numbers remain considerably low compared to the demand.
  • Lack of awareness about infertility as a medical condition contributes to this disparity.
  • NIF was established with the commitment to provide standardized and ethical infertility treatment, addressing the need for organized institutional fertility care.
  • Core procedures offered by NIF include IUI, IVF, and andrology services.
  • NIF also offers cutting-edge technologies like vitrification for embryo and egg preservation, embryoscope, and ERA (Endometrial Receptor Array) to determine the optimal timing for embryo transfer.
  • These procedures substantially enhance the chances of successful pregnancy following IVF and ICSI, even for patients with a history of multiple failures.
  • Advanced techniques such as IMSI (Intracytoplasmic Morphologically-Selected Sperm Injection) and ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) are also available at NIF.
  • With extensive international expertise, NIF maintains exceptional standards in processes, protocols, and policies within India.
ሀሎ! ይህ አሚሊያ ነች
ዛሬ እንዴት ልረዳህ እችላለሁ?
አሁን ከእኛ ጋር ይገናኙ