
Oesoplagial Cancer Surgery Treatment in India

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Dr Sanjay Verma
Dr Sanjay Verma

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Dr Sanjay Verma
Dr Sanjay Verma

Additional Director - General Surgery | Metabolic Surgery


Fortis Escorts Heart Institute

27 years


Oesophageal cancer, also known as esophageal cancer, is a type of malignancy that affects the oesophagus, the muscular tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach. Oesophageal cancer is relatively rare but can be aggressive and challenging to treat. Oesophageal cancer surgery is a crucial component of the multidisciplinary approach to managing this disease. This article explores the principles, symptoms, causes, treatment, benefits, cost in India, and the significance of oesophageal cancer surgery in providing patients with improved outcomes and quality of life.

Principles of Oesophageal Cancer Surgery:

Oesophageal cancer surgery involves the removal of cancerous tissue in the oesophagus and surrounding structures to achieve disease control and potentially cure the cancer. The principles of oesophageal cancer surgery include:

  • Preoperative Assessment: Before surgery, a thorough evaluation of the patient's overall health and cancer stage is conducted. This assessment helps determine the suitability of the patient for surgery and the extent of surgical resection required.
  • Surgical Approaches: Oesophageal cancer surgery can be performed using different approaches, including open surgery and minimally invasive techniques like laparoscopy or robotic-assisted surgery. The choice of approach depends on various factors, such as the cancer stage, the patient's overall health, and the surgeon's expertise.
  • Surgical Resection: The main goal of oesophageal cancer surgery is to remove the tumour along with adjacent lymph nodes to prevent the spread of cancer to other parts of the body.
  • Reconstruction: After tumour removal, the surgeon reconstructs the oesophagus to restore the continuity of the digestive tract. This can be achieved through different techniques, such as primary anastomosis or using a section of the stomach or intestine to create a new passage for food.
  • Multidisciplinary Approach: Oesophageal cancer surgery is often part of a comprehensive treatment plan that may also include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of both before or after surgery to improve treatment outcomes.

Symptoms of Oesophageal Cancer:

The symptoms of oesophageal cancer can vary depending on the location and stage of the tumour. Some common symptoms include:

  • Dysphagia: Difficulty swallowing or feeling that food gets stuck in the throat or chest.
  • Unintended Weight Loss: Significant weight loss without an apparent cause.
  • Persistent Heartburn: Frequent or chronic heartburn or acid reflux.
  • Chest Pain: Discomfort or pain in the chest, particularly behind the breastbone.
  • Persistent Cough: A chronic cough that does not improve with standard treatments.
  • Hoarseness: Changes in voice or persistent hoarseness.
  • Regurgitation: Bringing up food or liquid from the stomach into the mouth.

Causes and Risk Factors of Oesophageal Cancer:

The exact cause of oesophageal cancer is not fully understood, but several factors can increase the risk of developing the disease:

  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Chronic acid reflux can damage the lining of the oesophagus and increase the risk of oesophageal cancer.
  • Barrett's Oesophagus: A condition in which the normal cells lining the oesophagus are replaced by abnormal cells, increasing the risk of cancer.
  • Smoking and Alcohol Consumption: Long-term tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption are significant risk factors for oesophageal cancer.
  • Obesity: Being overweight or obese increases the risk of developing oesophageal cancer.
  • Diet: A diet low in fruits and vegetables and high in processed or red meats may increase the risk of oesophageal cancer.
  • Age and Gender: Oesophageal cancer is more common in older adults and is more prevalent in men than women.
  • Achalasia: A condition in which the lower oesophageal sphincter fails to relax properly, leading to difficulty in swallowing.


Oesophageal Cancer Surgery: Oesophageal cancer surgery is considered the primary treatment option for localized or early-stage oesophageal cancer, especially when the cancer is confined to the oesophagus and has not spread to distant organs. The surgery aims to remove the cancerous tissue and provide the best chance of cure. Different surgical procedures can be performed based on the cancer stage, location, and the patient's overall health:

  • Transthoracic Oesophagectomy: This involves removing part of the oesophagus and nearby lymph nodes through an incision in the chest.
  • Transhiatal Oesophagectomy: The oesophagus is removed through an incision in the neck and abdomen without opening the chest.
  • Minimally Invasive Oesophagectomy: This approach utilizes laparoscopy or robotic-assisted surgery to remove the oesophagus, resulting in smaller incisions, reduced pain, and shorter recovery time.
  • Palliative Surgery: In advanced stages or when the cancer has spread to other organs, surgery may be performed to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life, but it may not be curative.

Benefits of Oesophageal Cancer Surgery:

Oesophageal cancer surgery offers several benefits to patients:

  • Curative Intent: For early-stage oesophageal cancer, surgery offers a chance of cure by removing the cancerous tissue.
  • Improved Survival: Oesophageal cancer surgery, when combined with other treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy, can improve survival rates.
  • Symptom Relief: Surgery can alleviate symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, providing patients with an improved quality of life.
  • Personalized Treatment: The surgical approach can be tailored to the patient's specific cancer stage and overall health, maximizing the chances of successful treatment.
  • Minimally Invasive Techniques: Minimally invasive surgery reduces postoperative pain, shortens hospital stays, and speeds up recovery compared to traditional open surgery.

Cost of Oesophageal Cancer Surgery in India:

The cost of oesophageal cancer surgery in India can vary depending on various factors, including the hospital or medical facility, the expertise of the surgical team, the type of surgical approach used, and the overall health of the patient. On average, the cost of oesophageal cancer surgery in India ranges from ?2,00,000 to ?6,00,000 or more.


Oesophageal cancer surgery plays a vital role in the comprehensive management of oesophageal cancer. It offers a potential cure for early-stage disease, provides symptom relief, and improves overall survival when combined with other treatment modalities. The development of minimally invasive surgical techniques has further enhanced patient outcomes, reducing postoperative pain and expediting recovery.

It is crucial for patients to undergo early screening and seek prompt medical attention if they experience any symptoms associated with oesophageal cancer. As with any surgical procedure, oesophageal cancer surgery requires careful evaluation and individualized treatment planning to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Through ongoing advancements in surgical techniques, multidisciplinary approaches, and comprehensive cancer care, oesophageal cancer surgery continues to play a significant role in improving patient prognosis and quality of life. As research and medical knowledge continue to evolve, it is hoped that further improvements in oesophageal cancer treatment will lead to better outcomes and increased survival rates for patients affected by this challenging disease.

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Esophageal cancer surgery is a procedure to remove all or part of the esophagus, the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach. The surgery is typically performed to treat esophageal cancer, but it may also be performed to treat other conditions, such as esophageal stricture or achalasia.
There are two main types of esophageal cancer surgery: Esophagectomy: This is the removal of the entire esophagus. Esophagogastrectomy: This is the removal of the esophagus and part of the stomach. The type of surgery that is performed will depend on the extent of the cancer and the patient's overall health.
Esophageal cancer surgery is a major surgery, and there are some risks associated with it. These risks include: Bleeding: Some bleeding is expected after esophageal cancer surgery, but excessive bleeding can occur. Infection: The risk of infection is low, but it can occur. Damage to other organs: The esophagus is close to other organs, such as the heart and lungs. There is a risk of damage to these organs during surgery. Death: The risk of death from esophageal cancer surgery is low, but it can occur.
The recovery time from esophageal cancer surgery varies from person to person. Most people are able to go home from the hospital within a few weeks after surgery. However, some people may need to stay in the hospital for longer. The recovery process from esophageal cancer surgery will also vary from person to person. Some people may experience mild to moderate pain for a few weeks after surgery. Other people may experience more severe pain.
Your doctor will give you specific instructions after esophageal cancer surgery. These instructions may include: Rest: You should rest for a few weeks after esophageal cancer surgery. Avoid strenuous activity: You should avoid strenuous activity for a few weeks after esophageal cancer surgery. Use a feeding tube: You may need to use a feeding tube for a few weeks after esophageal cancer surgery.
The chances of survival after esophageal cancer surgery depend on the stage of the cancer and the patient's overall health. However, the overall survival rate for esophageal cancer is about 40%.
There are a few alternatives to esophageal cancer surgery. These include: Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy can be used to shrink the tumor before surgery. Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy can be used to kill cancer cells before or after surgery. Targeted therapy: Targeted therapy can be used to block the growth of cancer cells. The best treatment option for esophageal cancer will depend on the individual patient's circumstances.

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