
Thyroidectomy Treatment in India

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Dr Praveen Sodhi
Dr Praveen Sodhi

Senior Consultant - General And Advance Laparoscopic Surgery


Indraprastha Apollo Hospital

20 years

Treatment Starting at $1,000

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Treatment Starting at $1,000

Dr Praveen Sodhi
Dr Praveen Sodhi

Senior Consultant - General And Advance Laparoscopic Surgery


Indraprastha Apollo Hospital

20 years
Dr Faisal Mumtaz
Dr Faisal Mumtaz

Senior Consultant - General & Advance Laparoscopic Surgery


Indraprastha Apollo Hospital

21 years

Treatment Starting at $1,000

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Treatment Starting at $1,000

Dr Faisal Mumtaz
Dr Faisal Mumtaz

Senior Consultant - General & Advance Laparoscopic Surgery


Indraprastha Apollo Hospital

21 years


Thyroidectomy is a surgical procedure aimed at removing all or part of the thyroid gland. The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck, plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism, energy levels, and numerous bodily functions. However, certain thyroid disorders and conditions may necessitate the removal of this vital gland. In this blog, we will explore the reasons for thyroidectomy, the different types of procedures, potential risks and benefits, as well as the implications of life after surgery.

Reasons for Thyroidectomy

Thyroidectomy is typically recommended for the following conditions:

  • Thyroid Cancer: In cases of thyroid cancer, surgical removal of the gland is often the primary treatment option, especially when the tumor is malignant or shows aggressive characteristics.
  • Hyperthyroidism: An overactive thyroid may be treated with thyroidectomy when other therapies like medications or radioactive iodine have not been successful, or when there is a severe reaction to these treatments.
  • Goiter: A goiter is an enlarged thyroid that may cause discomfort, difficulty swallowing, or breathing problems. In some instances, a goiter may require surgical intervention.
  • Thyroid Nodules: Suspicious or concerning thyroid nodules may be removed to determine whether they are cancerous or to alleviate any discomfort or compression caused by their presence.

Types of Thyroidectomy

There are different types of thyroidectomy procedures based on the extent of the gland removal:

  • Total Thyroidectomy: The entire thyroid gland is removed. This procedure is often performed for thyroid cancer or in cases of severe hyperthyroidism.
  • Subtotal or Near-Total Thyroidectomy: In this procedure, a significant portion of the thyroid gland is removed, leaving a small amount of tissue to maintain some thyroid function.
  • Lobectomy: Only one lobe of the thyroid gland is removed. This is generally done when a nodule is limited to one lobe or when the presence of cancer is confined to one side.

Potential Risks and Benefits

As with any surgical procedure, thyroidectomy comes with its own set of risks and benefits:


  • Effective treatment for thyroid cancer, hyperthyroidism, and problematic nodules.
  • Relief from symptoms associated with an enlarged thyroid or thyroid-related disorders.
  • Potential improvement in overall health and well-being post-surgery.


  • Bleeding and infection at the surgical site.
  • Damage to nearby structures, such as the parathyroid glands (which regulate calcium levels) and the vocal cords.
  • Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) after total thyroidectomy, necessitating lifelong thyroid hormone replacement therapy.
  • Scar formation in the neck region, which varies in size and visibility among individuals.

Life After Thyroidectomy

Recovery and life after thyroidectomy depend on the extent of the procedure and the individual's overall health. Patients may experience the following post-surgery:

  • Thyroid Hormone Replacement: If the entire thyroid gland is removed, lifelong thyroid hormone replacement therapy is required to maintain normal bodily functions.
  • Monitoring and Follow-up: Regular follow-up appointments are essential to monitor hormone levels, address any complications, and ensure overall well-being.
  • Scar Management: Proper wound care and scar management techniques can help minimize the appearance of the surgical scar.
  • Lifestyle Adjustments: Patients may need to make certain lifestyle adjustments, including dietary changes and stress management, to support their thyroid health.


Thyroidectomy is a significant surgical procedure that can greatly impact a person's health and quality of life. While it may be necessary to address certain thyroid disorders, it is crucial for individuals to understand the potential risks, benefits, and implications of the surgery. Consulting with an experienced medical professional and seeking a second opinion when necessary can help patients make informed decisions about their healthcare journey. With the appropriate post-operative care and ongoing medical support, individuals can lead fulfilling lives after thyroidectomy.

How It Works

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Thyroidectomy is performed to remove part or all of the thyroid gland. The procedure is typically recommended for conditions such as thyroid cancer, hyperthyroidism, large goiters, and suspicious thyroid nodules.
If the entire thyroid gland is removed (total thyroidectomy), you will need to take lifelong thyroid hormone replacement therapy. This medication ensures that your body receives the necessary thyroid hormones to maintain proper metabolism and overall health.
Like any surgery, thyroidectomy carries some risks. Potential complications may include bleeding, infection, damage to surrounding structures (such as the parathyroid glands and vocal cords), and the development of hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) if the entire gland is removed.
The recovery period can vary depending on the extent of the surgery and individual factors. In general, most patients can resume regular activities within a few weeks, but complete healing and adjustments to thyroid hormone levels may take several months.
A scar is common after thyroidectomy, but its visibility can vary among individuals. Surgeons typically make incisions in inconspicuous areas of the neck to minimize scarring. Proper wound care and scar management techniques can also help reduce the appearance of the scar.
In most cases, thyroidectomy should not affect your ability to speak and swallow. However, there is a slight risk of damage to the vocal cords and surrounding structures during surgery, which could cause temporary or, rarely, permanent changes in voice quality or swallowing. An experienced surgeon can minimize these risks.
Weight changes are possible after thyroidectomy, especially if the procedure leads to hypothyroidism. Proper thyroid hormone replacement should help regulate metabolism and prevent significant weight gain. However, individual lifestyle factors, diet, and exercise also play a role in managing weight post-surgery.

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