
Gandush (Holding of medicated Fluid in Mouth) Treatment in India

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In the realm of Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, the holistic approach to health encompasses various practices, one of which is Gandush. Gandush, also known as oil pulling or oil swishing, is an age-old technique that involves holding a medicated fluid in the mouth for a specific duration. This practice not only targets oral health but also offers a myriad of potential benefits for overall well-being. In this blog, we will delve into the origins, methodology, benefits, and popular FAQs surrounding Gandush, shedding light on its importance and effectiveness.

1. The Origins of Gandush

Gandush finds its roots in ancient Ayurvedic texts like the Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita, which date back thousands of years. These texts emphasize the significance of maintaining oral hygiene for overall health and well-being. Gandush was considered a fundamental part of daily self-care routines, known as "Dinacharya," which included various practices to ensure good health.

2. How Gandush Works

The process of Gandush is simple yet effective. It involves taking a tablespoon of medicated oil or liquid and swishing it around in the mouth for 15 to 20 minutes. The fluid should be moved gently between the teeth and around the gums, ensuring it reaches all areas of the mouth. This swishing action activates the salivary glands, leading to an increased flow of saliva. The oil or liquid mixes with saliva, forming a frothy, milky-white emulsion. After the designated time, the oil is spat out, and the mouth is thoroughly rinsed with warm water.

3. Choosing the Right Medicated Fluid

Traditionally, sesame oil was the most commonly used fluid for Gandush due to its therapeutic properties. Sesame oil is rich in antioxidants and possesses antimicrobial properties, making it highly beneficial for oral health. However, various oils can be used for Gandush, such as coconut oil, sunflower oil, or ghee. Each type of oil has unique properties that may provide additional benefits beyond standard oils.

Moreover, herbal decoctions or Ayurvedic formulations are also employed as the medicated fluid. For example, decoctions prepared from herbs like neem, triphala, or licorice may be used to target specific oral issues, such as gum inflammation or dental infections.

4. The Science Behind Gandush

While Gandush is an ancient practice, modern scientific studies have begun to explore its potential benefits. The swishing action of the medicated fluid in the mouth activates enzymes in the saliva that can draw toxins from the bloodstream and oral cavity. The lipids present in the oils can trap microbes, including harmful bacteria, preventing them from re-entering the body. This reduction in oral bacterial load can positively influence overall health.

Research indicates that regular Gandush may help in reducing plaque and gingivitis, leading to improved gum health. It is believed that the practice may also support the immune system, as the oral cavity can serve as a gateway for infections.

5. Benefits of Gandush

  • Oral Health Improvement: One of the primary benefits of Gandush is its potential to enhance oral hygiene. By swishing the medicated fluid around the mouth, it reaches areas that toothbrushes and floss cannot access, thus reducing the buildup of plaque and bacteria. This, in turn, can lead to fresher breath and healthier gums.
  • Toxin Elimination: Gandush aids in the removal of toxins from the oral cavity, preventing their absorption into the body through the digestive tract. This process is believed to reduce the overall toxic load in the body, benefiting overall health.
  • Overall Immune Boost: A healthy oral cavity is linked to a stronger immune system. By reducing harmful bacteria in the mouth, Gandush may help the body's defense mechanisms function optimally.
  • Headache and Migraine Relief: Some proponents of Gandush claim that the practice can alleviate headaches and migraines, although more research is needed to establish a definitive connection.
  • Skin Health: In Ayurveda, oral health is considered to be connected to systemic health. By promoting oral hygiene, Gandush may indirectly contribute to healthier skin and general well-being.
  • Holistic Well-being: Gandush is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and nervous system, potentially reducing stress and anxiety levels.


Gandush is a time-honored practice that combines ancient wisdom with potential scientific benefits. By incorporating this Ayurvedic technique into our daily routine, we may experience improvements in oral health, overall well-being, and possibly even other aspects of our health. However, it is important to remember that Ayurveda is a complementary approach and should not replace conventional medical advice. As with any new practice, it is best to consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before integrating Gandush into your lifestyle. Embrace this ancient wisdom and witness the positive impact it can have on your health and happiness.

How It Works

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Gandush is generally safe for most individuals; however, some may experience mild discomfort or nausea during the swishing process. People with a strong gag reflex or those prone to jaw pain should perform Gandush with caution. Pregnant women are advised to consult their healthcare provider before incorporating Gandush into their routine.
Gandush can be modified for children by reducing the swishing time and using smaller quantities of the medicated fluid, such as coconut oil, to ensure their safety and comfort.
Ideally, Gandush should be performed in the morning on an empty stomach. This ensures that the mouth is free from food particles and bacteria, enhancing the effectiveness of the practice. However, it can be practiced at any convenient time of the day.
Gandush is a beneficial adjunct to regular dental care but not a replacement. Brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are still essential for maintaining optimal oral health. Gandush can complement these practices and contribute to better oral hygiene.
The recommended duration for Gandush is 15 to 20 minutes. It may take some time to build up to this duration, so beginners can start with 5 minutes and gradually increase the time.
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