
Endoscopic sinus surgery Treatment in India

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Dr. Shikha Sharma
Dr. Shikha Sharma

Senior Consultant - Ent & Cochlear Implant Surgeon


Yatharth Super Speciality Hospital, Greater Noida +1

20 years

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Dr. Shikha Sharma
Dr. Shikha Sharma

Senior Consultant - Ent & Cochlear Implant Surgeon


Yatharth Super Speciality Hospital, Greater Noida +1

20 years
Dr. Ashish Vashishth
Dr. Ashish Vashishth

Consultant - Otorhinolaryngology, Head And Neck And Cranial Base Surgery, Ear, Nose And Throat


Manipal Hospital, New Delhi

9 years

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Dr. Ashish Vashishth
Dr. Ashish Vashishth

Consultant - Otorhinolaryngology, Head And Neck And Cranial Base Surgery, Ear, Nose And Throat


Manipal Hospital, New Delhi

9 years
Dr. Aiham Alshawwa
Dr. Aiham Alshawwa

Consultant Ear, Nose & Throat (ent)


American Hospital Dubai

13+ years

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Dr. Aiham Alshawwa
Dr. Aiham Alshawwa

Consultant Ear, Nose & Throat (ent)


American Hospital Dubai

13+ years
Dr. Rupam Sil
Dr. Rupam Sil

Consultant - Ent


Narayana Health Care, Kolkata +1

10 years

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Dr. Rupam Sil
Dr. Rupam Sil

Consultant - Ent


Narayana Health Care, Kolkata +1

10 years
Dr. Sanjay Helale
Dr. Sanjay Helale

Senior Ent Consultant


Max Nanavati Hospital, Mumbai +1

27 years

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Dr. Sanjay Helale
Dr. Sanjay Helale

Senior Ent Consultant


Max Nanavati Hospital, Mumbai +1

27 years
Dr. Anup Sabharwal
Dr. Anup Sabharwal

Ent Specialist


Madhukar Rainbow Children's Hospital, Delhi

23 years

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23 years


Breathe easy, live freely - the mantra to a fulfilling life often lies in the simplest of pleasures. But for those afflicted with sinusitis, the joy of unhindered breathing remains elusive. Thankfully, medical science has ushered in a revolutionary procedure called endoscopic sinus surgery that promises to restore the lost rhythm to their breath. In this blog, we explore the significance of endoscopic sinus surgery, its cost in India, and delve into the intricate details of its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.

Understanding Sinusitis: The Battle of the Blocked Pathways

Sinusitis is a condition that causes inflammation of the sinus cavities, which are air-filled pockets in the facial bones around the nose and eyes. When the sinuses become blocked due to swelling or an infection, they fail to drain properly, leading to a buildup of mucus. This trapped mucus provides a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and viruses, causing an array of uncomfortable symptoms.

Symptoms of Sinusitis:

  • Nasal congestion
  • Facial pain and pressure
  • Headache
  • Thick, discolored nasal discharge
  • Reduced sense of smell and taste
  • Coughing, often worse at night
  • Fatigue

Unraveling the Culprits: Causes and Diagnosis

Sinusitis can have various underlying causes, both infectious and non-infectious. Some common factors contributing to sinusitis include:

a) Viral Infections: Common cold and flu viruses can trigger sinusitis.

b) Bacterial Infections: Bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae can lead to acute bacterial sinusitis.

c) Allergies: Seasonal or year-round allergies may cause chronic inflammation of the sinuses.

d) Nasal Polyps: Non-cancerous growths in the nasal passages can obstruct sinus drainage. e) Deviated Septum: A crooked nasal septum can hinder proper airflow and drainage.

Diagnosing sinusitis typically involves:

  • A thorough examination of symptoms and medical history.
  • Physical examination of the nose and sinuses.
  • Imaging tests like CT scans or X-rays to visualize the sinuses.
  • Nasal endoscopy to inspect the nasal passages and sinuses with a thin, flexible tube equipped with a camera.
  • The Gateway to Clarity: Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Endoscopic sinus surgery is a cutting-edge, minimally invasive procedure performed by otolaryngologists (ear, nose, and throat specialists) to treat chronic sinusitis and other related conditions. Unlike traditional methods, endoscopic surgery involves using an endoscope, a narrow tube with a tiny camera on its tip, to visualize the sinuses and guide the surgeon during the procedure. This technique offers numerous benefits, including reduced scarring, quicker recovery, and improved precision.

The Procedure:

a) Anesthesia: The patient is placed under general or local anesthesia to ensure comfort during the procedure.

b) Endoscopic Visualization: The surgeon inserts the endoscope into the nasal passages to visualize the sinuses in detail.

c) Sinus Clearance: Tiny surgical instruments are used to remove obstructive tissue, polyps, and infected material, thus restoring proper sinus drainage.

d) Correction of Deviated Septum (if required): In cases where a deviated septum contributes to sinusitis, the surgeon may correct the alignment to improve airflow.

e) Closure: After the procedure is complete, the incisions are closed, and nasal packing may be used to control bleeding and aid healing.

Treatment with a Twist: Advantages and Cost in India

Endoscopic sinus surgery boasts several advantages that make it an attractive option for chronic sinusitis sufferers:

a) Minimally Invasive: Unlike traditional surgeries that involve extensive incisions, endoscopic surgery employs smaller openings, reducing scarring and recovery time.

b) Faster Recovery: Patients can typically resume normal activities within a few days, compared to several weeks with traditional surgery.

c) Precision: The endoscope provides a clear view, allowing surgeons to target specific problem areas accurately.

d) Reduced Bleeding: The procedure's minimally invasive nature leads to less bleeding during surgery.

Now, you might wonder about the cost of this advanced procedure, especially if you are considering it in India. One of the significant advantages of getting endoscopic sinus surgery in India is the cost-effectiveness compared to many Western countries. While prices can vary based on factors like the hospital, the surgeon's experience, and the extent of the procedure, the average cost of endoscopic sinus surgery in India ranges from $1500 to $3000. This affordability without compromising on quality has made India a preferred destination for medical tourism.


If you find yourself tangled in the persistent web of sinusitis, inhibiting your ability to breathe freely, endoscopic sinus surgery offers a glimmer of hope. This modern marvel of medical science not only alleviates symptoms but also restores the long-lost symphony of unhindered breathing. With India emerging as a cost-effective and quality destination for this procedure, patients can now unmask the clarity within and embrace a life of unobstructed possibilities. Remember, always consult with a qualified medical professional to determine the best course of action for your specific condition. Breathe easy, live freely!

How It Works

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Endoscopic sinus surgery is a minimally invasive procedure performed by ENT specialists to treat chronic sinusitis and related conditions. It involves using an endoscope, a thin tube with a camera on its tip, to visualize and access the sinuses. Unlike traditional surgery, which requires larger incisions, endoscopic surgery uses smaller openings, resulting in reduced scarring, faster recovery, and improved precision.
Endoscopic sinus surgery is recommended for individuals suffering from chronic sinusitis that does not respond to medical treatment or other less invasive interventions. Patients with nasal polyps, recurrent sinus infections, or structural issues like a deviated septum may also benefit from this procedure. However, the final decision on candidacy should be made after a thorough evaluation by a qualified ENT specialist.
No, endoscopic sinus surgery is performed under general or local anesthesia, ensuring that the patient remains comfortable and pain-free during the procedure. After the surgery, some patients may experience mild discomfort or congestion, but this can usually be managed with prescribed medications.
The recovery period after endoscopic sinus surgery is generally shorter compared to traditional surgery. Most patients can resume normal activities within a few days to a week after the procedure. However, it's essential to follow post-operative instructions provided by the surgeon, which may include avoiding strenuous activities, refraining from blowing the nose vigorously, and using saline nasal rinses to keep the nasal passages clean.
Like any surgical procedure, endoscopic sinus surgery carries some risks. Possible complications may include bleeding, infection, damage to nearby structures, or recurrence of sinusitis. However, serious complications are rare when the surgery is performed by experienced ENT surgeons in a well-equipped medical facility.
Endoscopic sinus surgery has shown high success rates in relieving symptoms and improving the quality of life for patients with chronic sinusitis. By removing obstructions, infected tissue, and nasal polyps, the procedure helps restore normal sinus drainage, reducing the frequency and severity of sinus infections.
Yes, endoscopic sinus surgery is widely available in India, and the country has emerged as a popular destination for medical tourism due to its skilled medical professionals and cost-effective healthcare. The average cost of endoscopic sinus surgery in India varies depending on factors like the hospital, surgeon's expertise, and the complexity of the case, but it ranges from $1500 to $3000, making it more affordable compared to many Western countries.

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  • Kolkata
  • New Delhi
  • Cairo
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