Doctor Image

Доктор. Ведант Кабра

(Главный директор отделения онкохирургии) Мемориального научно-исследовательского института Фортис, Гургоан

Количество операций
15 годы


  • Dr. Vedant Kabra is a highly skilled surgical oncologist with years of experience in cancer surgery. He completed his medical education from top-ranked medical colleges in India and pursued further training in surgical oncology from prestigious institutions in India and the United States. Dr. Kabra is a specialist in various types of cancer surgeries, including breast cancer, lung cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, and urological cancer. He has performed numerous successful surgeries and is known for his expertise in minimally invasive and laparoscopic surgeries for cancer treatment.
  • Dr. Kabra is a member of several professional organizations and actively participates in cancer research projects. He has published papers in national and international medical journals and frequently presents his work at medical conferences and seminars. Dr. Kabra is committed to providing the highest quality of care to his patients and improving cancer treatment outcomes.

Areas of Interest

  • surgical management of cancer.
  • breast cancer,
  • lung cancer,
  • gastrointestinal cancer,
  • and urological cancer.


  • MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) from a reputed medical college in India
  • MS (Master of Surgery) in General Surgery from a renowned institution in India
  • MCh (Master of Chirurgie) in Surgical Oncology from a prestigious institution in India


  • Recipient of the "Best Paper Award" at the annual conference of the Indian Association of Surgical Oncology
  • Awarded the "Young Surgeon Travel Grant" by the American Society of Clinical Oncology
  • Received the "Surgical Excellence Award" at the Fortis Memorial Research Institute for his exceptional surgical skills and patient care
  • Recognized as a "Top Doctor" in surgical oncology by a leading healthcare publication
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Доктор. Ведант Кабра имеет степень MBBS (бакалавр медицины, бакалавр хирургии), степень магистра хирургии (магистр хирургии) в области общей хирургии и степень DNB (дипломат Национального совета) в области общей хирургии.