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Cancer papillaire de la thyroïde: causes, symptômes et traitements

13 Oct, 2023

Blog author iconÉquipe Healthtrip

Our in-depth exploration of Papillary Thyroid Cancer, a journey into understanding one of the most common types of thyroid cancer. Amidst the complexities of medical terms and diagnoses, this blog aims to unravel the intricacies of Papillary Thyroid Cancer in a way that is accessible and informative.

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What is Papillary Thyroid Cancer?

Papillary Thyroid Cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the thyroid gland, a small butterfly-shaped organ in the neck. It belongs to the broader category of thyroid cancers, and specifically, it arises from the cells that produce thyroid hormones.

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Papillary thyroid cancer is the most common type of thyroid cancer, accounting for about 80-85% of all cases.

Symptoms and Signs

  • Thyroid Nodule
    • Presence of a painless lump or swelling in the thyroid gland.
    • Palpable or visible lump in the neck.
    • Possible difficulty swallowing or breathing.
  • Neck Pain and Swelling
    • Discomfort or pain in the neck area.
    • Swelling or enlargement of the neck, particularly in the front.
  • Changes in Voice
    • Hoarseness or changes in the quality of the voice.
    • Difficulty speaking clearly.
  • Difficulty Swallowing
    • Feeling of a lump in the throat.
    • Pain or discomfort while swallowing.


  • Genetic Factors
    • Inherited genetic mutations contributing to an increased risk.
    • Family history of thyroid cancer.
  • Radiation Exposure
    • Exposure to ionizing radiation, especially during childhood.
    • Previous radiation treatments to the head and neck region.
  • Hormonal Influence
    • Imbalances in hormones, especially in women.
    • Hormonal changes during puberty and pregnancy.


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A. Physical Examination -

Palpation of the thyroid gland to detect abnormalities or nodules - Assessment of neck and surrounding areas for swelling or tenderness

B. Imaging Studies (Ultrasound, CT, MRI) - Ultrasound:

Utilized to visualize the thyroid gland and assess the nature of nodules. - CT (Computed Tomography): Provides detailed cross-sectional images for a more comprehensive evaluation. - MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): Offers detailed images without using radiation.

C. Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) Biopsy -

A minimally invasive procedure to extract tissue samples from the thyroid nodules for examination under a microscope. - Helps determine if the nodule is cancerous, benign, or inconclusive.

D. Blood Tests (Thyroid Function Tests) -

Measurement of thyroid hormone levels (T3, T4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) to assess overall thyroid function. - Abnormal levels may indicate thyroid dysfunction or potential thyroid cancer.

Treatment Options

A. Surgery (Thyroidectomy) -

Removal of part or the entire thyroid gland to eliminate cancerous tissue. - Types of thyroidectomy may include total thyroidectomy or lobectomy, depending on the extent of cancer.

B. Radioactive Iodine Therapy -

Administration of radioactive iodine to destroy remaining thyroid tissue or cancer cells after surgery. - Especially effective for treating microscopic cancer or cancer that has spread beyond the thyroid.

C. Hormone Replacement Therapy -

Replacement of thyroid hormones (thyroxine) to maintain normal body functions. - Essential post-thyroidectomy to compensate for the loss of hormone production.

D. Targeted Therapy -

Use of medications that specifically target cancer cells, inhibiting their growth or promoting their destruction. - May be employed in advanced or resistant cases.

E. External Beam Radiation -

Directed radiation from external sources to target cancer cells. - Used in cases where surgery is not an option or as an adjuvant therapy after surgery.

Risk Factors

1. Family History -

Presence of a family history of thyroid cancer increases the risk. - Specific genetic mutations may be inherited, contributing to a higher likelihood of developing papillary thyroid cancer.

2. Exposure to Radiation -

History of exposure to ionizing radiation, particularly during childhood, increases the risk. - Previous radiation treatments to the head and neck region, whether for medical or environmental reasons, are associated with higher susceptibility.

3. Gender and Age -

More common in women than men. - Typically diagnosed between the ages of 30 and 50, although it can occur at any age.


1. Recurrence of Cancer -

Papillary thyroid cancer can recur even after successful treatment. - Regular follow-up and monitoring are crucial to detect and address recurrence promptly.

2. Thyroid Hormone Imbalance -

Surgical removal of the thyroid gland may lead to hormonal imbalances. - Hormone replacement therapy is often necessary to maintain normal bodily functions.

3. Surgical Complications -

Potential risks associated with thyroidectomy include damage to surrounding structures, bleeding, or infection. - Skilled surgical procedures and postoperative care are crucial to minimize complications.

Preventive Measures

A. Genetic Counseling and Testing -

Individuals with a family history may benefit from genetic counseling to assess their risk. - Genetic testing can identify specific mutations and inform personalized preventive strategies.

B. Avoidance of Radiation Exposure -

Minimize unnecessary exposure to ionizing radiation, especially in children. - Individuals with a history of radiation exposure should undergo regular thyroid screenings for early detection.


A. Prognostic Factors

  • Various factors, including cancer stage, patient age, and treatment success, shape the outlook for Papillary Thyroid Cancer.
  • These prognostic factors guide personalized treatment plans, offering insights into the potential course of the disease.

B. Survival Rates

  • Survival rates, often presented as percentages, offer crucial insights into the likelihood of overcoming Papillary Thyroid Cancer.
  • Variability in survival rates is influenced by factors like diagnosis stage and treatment effectiveness.

C. Quality of Life After Treatment post

  • Post-treatment, managing thyroid hormone levels is crucial for individuals undergoing surgery or radioactive iodine therapy.
  • Addressing changes in daily life, such as hormonal balance and overall well-being, is essential for a holistic assessment of the post-treatment outlook for Papillary Thyroid Cancer.

How can we help with the treatment?

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Our success story

In conclusion, this guide illuminated Papillary Thyroid Cancer, addressing its definition, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments. Emphasizing awareness and early detection, it underscored their pivotal role. Early identification facilitates more effective and less aggressive treatments, significantly enhancing prognosis and the overall quality of life. Post-treatment, ongoing monitoring and follow-up care play a crucial role, ensuring timely intervention and sustaining well-being for those navigating Papillary Thyroid Cancer.

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Le cancer papillaire de la thyroïde est un type de cancer qui prend naissance dans la glande thyroïde et qui a la forme d'un papillon dans le cou..