Dr. V K Aneja

Dr. V K Aneja

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Dr. V K Aneja holds an MD in General Medicine and an MBBS degree. He specializes in General Medicine and Internal Medicine.
Dr. V K Aneja has a total of 40 years of experience in the fields of General Medicine and Internal Medicine.
Dr. V K Aneja practices at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals in Sarita Vihar, Delhi
Yes, Dr. V K Aneja's medical registration is verified.
As a General Physician and Internal Medicine specialist, Dr. V K Aneja provides comprehensive medical care, including diagnosis and treatment of various health conditions, management of chronic diseases, preventive healthcare, and general medical consultations
Dr. V K Aneja completed his MD in General Medicine from the University of Lucknow in 1982.
Dr. V K Aneja obtained his MBBS degree from the University of Lucknow in 1978.
To obtain the contact information for Dr. V K Aneja at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, you can directly inquire at the hospital or check their website for contact details
To book an appointment with Dr. V K Aneja, you can contact Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals directly or use their online appointment booking system, if available.
Yes, as a General Physician and Internal Medicine specialist, Dr. V K Aneja is trained to provide medical care for a wide range of health conditions and illnesses, offering comprehensive diagnosis, treatment, and management.
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