Dr. Puneet Girdhar

Dr. Puneet Girdhar

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Dr. Puneet Girdhar specializes in the surgical and non-surgical management of spinal disorders involving the neck and back, utilizing minimally invasive techniques.
Dr. Puneet Girdhar has been widely acknowledged for his versatile and patient-centric approach in the field of spine surgeries.
Dr. Puneet Girdhar is well versed with non-surgical pain relieving techniques such as Nerve root blocks, Facetal injections, and Epidural infiltrations.
Dr. Puneet Girdhar has successfully treated numerous patients, establishing himself as a leading name in the field of spine surgeries.
The starting price for Posterior Dorsal Lumbar Spine Fixation and Stabilization Surgery with Dr. Puneet Girdhar is $7,950.
No, Dr. Puneet Girdhar specializes in both surgical and non-surgical management of spinal disorders.
Dr. Puneet Girdhar utilizes turn of the century minimally invasive techniques in the management of spinal disorders involving the neck and back.
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