Dr. Anoop K. Ganjoo

Dr. Anoop K. Ganjoo

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Dr. Anoop K Ganjoo specializes in Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery.
Dr. Anoop K Ganjoo has more than 2 decades of experience in Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery.
Dr. Anoop K Ganjoo is currently practicing at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital in Sarita Vihar, Delhi.
Dr. Anoop K Ganjoo holds an MBBS degree, MS, Mch (AIIMS), DNB, FIACS. What is the duration of Dr. Anoop K Ganjoo's experience at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital? Dr. Anoop K Ganjoo has been associated with Indraprastha Apollo Hospital for 9 years.
Yes, Dr. Anoop K Ganjoo is skilled in performing minimally invasive cardiac surgeries, which involve smaller incisions and result in shorter recovery times and reduced scarring for patients.
Dr. Anoop K Ganjoo completed his entire medical education, including MBBS, MS, and MCH, from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS).
Yes, Dr. Anoop K Ganjoo underwent an advanced fellowship in cardiac surgery with Dr. Dudley Johnson in Milwaukee, USA, for a duration of 3 years.
Dr. Anoop K Ganjoo is involved in all kinds of routine adult cardiac and thoracic surgeries at Apollo Hospital.
The contact information for Indraprastha Apollo Hospital is as follows: Address: Sarita Vihar, Delhi-Mathura Road, New Delhi - 110076
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