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የስኬት ታሪኮች በህንድ ውስጥ ተስፋ ያደረጉ የኢራቅ የካንሰር ህመምተኞች

05 Apr, 2023

Blog author iconየጤና ጉዞ

India has emerged as a leading destination for medical tourism in recent years, attracting millions of patients from around the world who seek affordable and high-quality medical treatment. Among these patients are Iraqi cancer patients who have found hope in India.

Cancer is a devastating disease that affects millions of people worldwide. In Iraq, cancer rates have been on the rise in recent years, with over 30,000 new cases reported each year. While cancer treatment is available in Iraq, the quality of care is often subpar, and patients are forced to endure long wait times and limited treatment options. Many Iraqi cancer patients have turned to India for hope and healing.

ውበትህን ቀይር፣ በራስ መተማመንዎን ያሳድጉ

ትክክለኛውን መዋቢያ ያግኙ ለፍላጎትዎ ሂደት.

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እኛ ሰፊ ክልል ውስጥ ልዩ የመዋቢያ ሂደቶች


At, we have helped many Iraqi cancer patients find the right hospital and doctor in India for their treatment. Our team of medical experts works closely with patients to understand their unique needs and recommend the best treatment options available. We also assist patients with travel arrangements, accommodations, and other logistics to make their medical journey as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Here are some success stories of Iraqi cancer patients who found hope in India:

የሕክምና ወጪን አስሉ, ምልክቶችን ያረጋግጡ, ዶክተሮችን እና ሆስፒታሎችን ያስሱ

1. Salim's Story

Salim is a 46-year-old Iraqi man who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. His doctors in Iraq gave him little hope for survival, as the cancer had spread to his liver and lymph nodes. Salim was determined to fight the disease and decided to try his luck in India. He reached out to for assistance and our team recommended Fortis Memorial Research Institute in Gurgaon for his treatment.

Fortis Memorial Research Institute is one of the leading cancer hospitals in India, renowned for its expertise in cancer treatment and research. Salim underwent chemotherapy and radiation therapy at the hospital, and to his surprise, his cancer went into remission. He spent several months in India undergoing treatment and recovering, and today he is back in Iraq and leading a healthy life.

2. Nada's Story

በ ውስጥ በጣም ታዋቂ ሂደቶች ሕንድ

የአትሪያል ሴፕታል ጉድለት (AS

እስከ 80% ቅናሽ

90% ደረጃ ተሰጥቶታል።


የአትሪያል ሴፕታል ጉድለት (ASD) )

ኮርኒሪ አንጎግራም እና ፐርኩታኔ

እስከ 80% ቅናሽ

90% ደረጃ ተሰጥቶታል።


ኮርኒሪ አንጎግራም እና ፐርኩታኔስ ኮርኒሪ ጣልቃ ገብነት CAG

ኮርኒሪ አንጎግራም CAG/ CAG

እስከ 80% ቅናሽ

90% ደረጃ ተሰጥቶታል።


ኮርኒሪ አንጎግራም CAG/ CAG ትራንስሬዲያል

የጉበት ትራንስፕላንት

እስከ 80% ቅናሽ

90% ደረጃ ተሰጥቶታል።


የጉበት ትራንስፕላንት

ጠቅላላ የሂፕ ምትክ-ቢ/ሊ

እስከ 80% ቅናሽ

90% ደረጃ ተሰጥቶታል።


ጠቅላላ የሂፕ ምትክ-ቢ/ሊ

Nada is a 33-year-old Iraqi woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her doctors in Iraq recommended a mastectomy and chemotherapy, but Nada was hesitant to undergo surgery and chemotherapy due to the side effects and potential complications. She reached out to for advice and assistance and our team recommended Artemis Hospital in Gurgaon, which specializes in non-surgical treatment options for breast cancer.

Nada underwent targeted therapy at Artemis Hospital, a type of treatment that uses drugs to target specific proteins in cancer cells and stop their growth. After several rounds of therapy, Nada's cancer went into remission. She returned to Iraq with a new lease on life and is now leading a healthy life without any surgery or chemotherapy.

3. Ahmed's Story

Ahmed is a 55-year-old Iraqi man who was diagnosed with prostate cancer. His doctors in Iraq advised him to undergo surgery to remove the cancerous tissue, but Ahmed was concerned about the risks associated with the procedure. He reached out to for help and our team recommended Fortis Memorial Research Institute in Gurgaon, which offers minimally invasive surgery for prostate cancer.

Ahmed underwent the surgery at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, and to his relief, the cancer was completely removed. He spent several weeks in India recovering from the surgery and undergoing follow-up care. Today, he is back in Iraq and leading a healthy life.

These success stories are just a few examples of the many Iraqi cancer patients who have found hope and healing in India. At, we are committed to helping patients from around the world access affordable and high-quality medical treatment. We believe that every patient deserves the best possible care, and we are dedicated to making that a reality for patients in Iraq and beyond.

India has become a leading destination for medical tourism due to its world-class hospitals, state-of-the-art technology, and highly trained medical professionals. The cost of medical treatment in India is also significantly lower than in many other countries, making it an attractive option for patients who cannot afford expensive medical care in their home countries.

However, navigating the complex world of medical tourism can be daunting for patients and their families. That's where comes in. Our team of experts can help patients find the right hospital and doctor in India for their treatment, and we can also assist with travel arrangements, accommodations, and other logistics. We understand that seeking medical treatment abroad can be stressful, and we are here to make the process as easy and stress-free as possible.

If you or a loved one is an Iraqi cancer patient seeking medical treatment abroad, we encourage you to consider India as a viable option. With the help of, you can access world-class medical care at a fraction of the cost of other countries. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you find hope and healing in India.

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የጤንነት ሕክምናዎች

ለራስህ ዘና ለማለት ጊዜ ስጥ


በጣም ዝቅተኛ ዋጋዎች የተረጋገጠ!

ለክብደት መቀነስ፣ ዲቶክስ፣ ጭንቀት፣ ባሕላዊ ሕክምናዎች፣ የ3 ቀን የጤና እክሎች እና ሌሎችም ሕክምናዎች

95% ከፍተኛ ልምድ እና መዝናናት ተሰጥቷል።

የአትሪያል ሴፕታል ጉድለት (ASD) ) ውስጥ ታይላንድ

እባክዎን ዝርዝሮችዎን ይሙሉ ፣ የእኛ ባለሙያዎች ከእርስዎ ጋር ይገናኛሉ